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  • jimht3

My First Big Mistake

This is my new blog. This is my first post. So, basically, this is the first of what will no doubt prove to be one of many in a long line of big mistakes. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. First I have to define who "me" is before I go throwing around big words like "my."

I'm James. I'm a retired technology services guy. It sounds pretty important, but mostly boiled down to, "my email doesn't work" (reboot the computer, hope for the best) or "my mouse doesn't work" (recharge/put new batteries in/put batteries in the right way around/remove sticky note the office clown put over the little laser hole). As you can see, it could get complicated.

Why am I retired? Well, seems that my youthful diet of Whoppers and Kool Aid didn't exactly set me up for the perfect worry-free old age life I'd always dreamed of. Instead, it set me up for a life of diabetes, stroke, and other fun things. I became somewhat less useful in my role and so here we are. My First Big Mistake might not have been this blog...

Anyway, what is this going to be about you might be wondering? Well, I have many interests, and my attention flits from one bright shiny object to the next. I let the winds of whim take me where they will. One day you might see a post about how to set up image based lighting in Cinema 4D the CORRECT way (not what all those other liars are telling you!) and the next might be talking about my favourite synthesizer tricks (like Gabe Lewis on The Office - I play tones).

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